Lazuli and the numbers

Basic Mathematical Skills

Basic mathematical skills cover a wide range of skills relating to objects, quantities and numbers.
They involve comparing, arranging, organizing, counting, classifying and adding.

Comparing objects – based on certain characteristics

Certain objects or images are compared based on one or more characteristics.  

For example: "Who is taller / shorter / thicker / thinner?"; "Which box has red hearts?"; "/ has a yellow beak / has a heart / is striped / has points?)

This skill can be practiced in the following educational games:

Comparing objects – based on their pattern or shape

The colors or shapes of certain objects or images are compared based on their pattern or the different combination of their individual parts.

This skill can be practiced in the following educational games:

One-to-one classification

A certain number of objects must be accurately assigned to another object. For example, five saxophones need to be distributed over five cats – so each cat needs to get one saxophone.

This skill can be practiced in the following educational game:

  • learning level "Cats" in Lazuli 4+

Ordering objects

A certain number of objects must be put in order according to a specific characteristic. For example, ordered from big to small, up to down, light to dark.

This skill can be practiced in the following educational game:

  • learning level "Eggs" in Lazuli 5+

Logical sequence

A series of objects or numbers continues based on a specific rule. This skill generally requires identifying the sequence and completing it or continuing it.

This skill can be practiced in the following educational games:

Classifying objects

MMultiple objects or images are compared according to one or more characteristics and created as a separate set. Membership of the set may be determined by factors such as size, color, shape etc. For example: "Which characters have a hat, a beard, but no glasses?"

This skill can be practiced in the following educational games:

Comparing quantities

Two or more quantities are compared based on their number of objects. The objects are all the same size or all different sizes. The idea is to identify which quantity is larger or smaller, or which quantity contains a certain number of objects.

This skill can be practiced in the following educational games:

Doubling, halving and splitting quantities

A certain number of objects must be doubled, halved or evenly split.

This skill can be practiced in the following educational games:

Forming groups

A quantity of objects with at least one common characteristic, property or category must be identified from a set number of different objects, or an object which has nothing in common with the other objects must be identified. For example: "What can't fly?"

This skill can be practiced in the following educational game:

Recognizing a series of numbers as words

Recognizing the series of numbers as words: "one-two-three-…"

This skill can be practiced in the following educational game:

Matching: Number - quantity

A number or number word is matched with a quantity of exactly this number of objects.

This skill can be practiced in the following educational games:

Matching: Number word - digit

The number word is matched with the relevant digit.

This skill can be practiced in the following educational games:

Counting forwards

A certain number of objects are counted to determine the total number.

This skill can be practiced in the following educational games:

Steady numerical sequence

Recognizing the steady numerical sequence in order to keep counting up to a certain number, count backwards, or fill in a missing number.

This skill can be practiced in the following educational games:

Comparing numbers by size

Numbers are compared based on their size.

This skill can be practiced in the following educational games:

Adding objects statically and dynamically

Objects shown simultaneously or which appear with a delay are added together.

This skill can be practiced in the following educational games:

Static subtracting of objects

Two quantities of objects are compared, and the difference in number established. For example: "How many balls are needed in order for all seals to have a ball?"

This skill can be practiced in the following educational games:

  • learning level "Seals" in Lazuli 5+
  • learning level "Sheep" in Lazuli 7+

Dynamic subtracting of objects

A certain number of objects disappear from a set quantity. The idea is to determine how many objects have disappeared.

This skill can be practiced in the following educational games:

Adding and subtracting

Addition and subtraction tasks using numbers.

This skill can be practiced in the following educational games:

Doubling and halving numbers

Numbers are doubled or halved.

This skill can be practiced in the following educational game:

  • learning level "Dots" in Lazuli 7+


Numbers are multiplied. For example: 2 times 3 buds need to be touched.

This skill can be practiced in the following educational game:

  • learning level "Tree" in Lazuli 7+

Lazuli and the numbers

Basic Non-Numerical Skills

Basic non-numerical skills encompass general basic skills such as concentration, memory, visual and acoustic perception, and spatial orientation.

Acoustic memory

The ability to notice, store and reproduce what has been heard.

This skill can be practiced in the following educational games:

Visual memory

The ability to notice, store and reproduce what has been seen.

This skill can be practiced in the following educational games:

Hand-eye coordination

The ability to perform targeted arm, hand and finger movements with visual control.

This skill can be practiced in the following educational games:

Right-left orientation

The ability to distinguish between right and left is a basic requirement for understanding and applying mathematical tasks when using a variety of materials (hundreds charts, number lines, place value charts).

This skill can be practiced in the following educational games:

Perception of spatial location

The ability to confidently orientate themselves using relationships in space, e.g. back-forward, top-bottom

This skill can be practiced in the following educational games:

Distinguishing color and shape

The ability to distinguish objects, images or patterns based on color or shape.

This skill can be practiced in the following educational games:

Noticing differences

The ability to notice differences in what has been seen.

This skill can be practiced in the following educational games:

The law of the continuous line

Lines are always seen as following the easiest route. If two lines intersect, we don’t think of this as being a kink in the lines, we instead see two straight, continuous lines.

This skill can be practiced in the following educational games:

  • learning level "Fly" in Lazuli 4+
  • learning level "Rabbit" in Lazuli 7+


Concentration means being able to turn one’s attention to something and stick with it. This involves being able to block out anything that’s unimportant. Concentration is a basic requirement for all successful learning, because targeted attention enables children to understand and remember the content learned.